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Frequently asked questions
Image by Vincent van Zalinge

How do we know if we are a good fit?

Therapeutic relationship

Research consistently shows that the quality of the therapeutic relationship is one of the most impactful elements in healing and transformation, so I encourage you to take a moment to get to know me a little by learning about my story, and the beliefsapproach, and modalities that inform my work. I recognize the courage it takes to reach out for support and to try to figure out what might be the most helpful to you. If my experience and offerings feel aligned with your needs, feel free to be in touch to get more info or schedule an introductory meeting. I offer a compli-mentary 30-minute discovery session so that we can answer your questions and explore if the connection feels right. 


Therapeutic coaching sessions are $175 for 75 minutes (rather than the standard 50-minute therapy hour) to allow for more spaciousness in our work. Having attended a lot of coaching and therapy sessions myself, I noticed that we often had to end in the heart of things due to lack of time. That extra time allows us to reach more depth and a greater sense of completion between sessions. Included in the rate is a personalized action plan as well as a summary of your takeaways sent within 24 hours of your sessions. Each session is tailored to your evolving needs and goals based on a check-in form filled out prior to sessions to ensure that we make the best of our time each time.

Image by Johannes Plenio

How much does it cost?

Image by Sophie Louisnard
Autumn Leaves

How often will we meet?


As much as we may wish for a shortcut at times when we experience adversity, the reality is that we heal only if we show up and do the work. Making a regular commitment to ourselves with consistent attendance is crucial to build momentum and make progress. My own personal healing work, as well as my professional experience as a therapeutic coach, have both shown me that regular and frequent sessions translate into progress. Infrequent or irregular sessions can lead individuals to feel discouraged by the slow progress and to eventually quit, feeling as though nothing is working for them. Based on this knowledge, regular weekly or every other week sessions is where we start.


Healing is a non-linear process which is unique to each of us based on our background, the adversity that we face, and the prior work we have done. Transformation is an organic process, and often multi-layered. Individuals might need support for a couple months to address a simple issue, or for well over a year for deeper inner work. As mentioned earlier, we will first meet weekly, and once you feel confident and satisfied with your progress, we will move out of the healing phase. We can then meet bi-monthly or monthly to remain on track and accountable as well as to process things as they come up to continue to solidify your progress. At any point, we can also end our sessions if you feel completed.

Image by Cristina Gottardi

How long will it take?

Wooden Surface
Image by Kristaps Ungurs

Where do we meet?

Therapeutic environment

Thanks to the pandemic, I reluctantly moved my practice online in 2020. To my pleasant surprise, remote sessions have been effective and maintained the intimate feeling necessary for therapeutic work. This is another nod to our remarkable capacity to adapt, grow, and create as humans, especially amidst less than perfect circumstances. It has been beneficial for people who are suffering from chronic illness by allowing them to conserve their energy and to stay in the comfort of their own home; for the ones regularly travelling for business; for the ones who have moved away or live at a distance; as well as for the ones who simply want to avoid the commute and fit their session more easily into their often-busy schedule. Sessions are still held online since this is the preference of the majority of my clients.

Image by Aperture Vintage

Ending the therapeutic relationship

When we experience hardship, we often feel that we don’t have a choice in the matter; we may even feel stuck and constrained by our inner and/or outer circumstances. Starting to experience freedom in small ways is in itself very healing. What might be right at the moment, might not be in the future. You are in control of ending the therapeutic relationship if needed, no matter if it’s because this is not right for you, or because your life circumstances have changed, or simply because you feel completed. You are your best advocate, and this relationship is based on encouraging and respecting that wisdom.

Image by Sebastian Herrmann

What if I do not like your approach?

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