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My approach

Sincerity  +  Curiosity  +  Presence  =  Self-awareness

Self-awareness  +  Self-compassion  +  Self-responsibility  =  Growth

Growth  +  Practices  +  Commitment  =  Transformation


Safe & Compassionate Environment

Transformation requires safety, space, and exploration to occur. I seek to offer a warm, supportive, and humane environment, where what is showing up for you can be held with compassion and respect in a non-judgmental zone. This is an inclusive and caring place to feel the tender emotions we keep telling ourselves we shouldn’t feel, and to talk about the challenging experiences we keep telling ourselves we shouldn’t have. There’s no other work that is as meaningful to me than to hold space as connections are made, answers are found, and progress materializes. It is a real privilege to support this process as adversity unfolds into empowerment and as discomfort transmutes into growth in ways that we often never thought would be possible. 

Authentic & Transparent Guidance

I strive to be authentic and genuine in my practice and guidance so that individuals entering this therapeutic space are inspired to do the same. Transparency is the ground through which we can know ourselves, be ourselves, and stretch ourselves. Courage pays off; this work rewards the brave. The more we can show up as we are, the more quickly we can discern what shrinks our truth and what expands it. From a foundation of sincerity, curiosity, and compassion, we can safely explore all the complexity and nuances that exist in ourselves. All parts of you are welcome here; we get to be fully human together. My work is to ask potent questions that carry the power to lead you back to yourself. Having space to explore all that comes up eventually creates inner space where we can hear ourselves with more clarity.  

Practical & Personalized Method

Even though we go through the same common themes as humans, we are all made of a very unique web of experiences, emotions, and beliefs, as well as having our own way of learning and processing. We carry an exclusive blueprint, and my approach takes that into account. I find it essential to draw upon many different therapeutic modalities to bring flexibility to the healing process and meet you where you are. Particular techniques I may  utilize in our work  together are  described in detail here. I offer effective and practical tools (the same ones I have used myself) that lead to transformation. Sharing this knowledge is what my heart is called to do. This quiet inner work may be invisible to others, yet it has the power to change the way we experience our lives and show up in the world. This process is tender, hopeful, and inspiring.

Empowering & Creative Process

Our past experiences have often reinforced stories of being inadequate, unworthy, or unlovable. These tales have served an essential purpose; making sense of confusing experiences. Believing them to be true, we then moved forward carrying stories that were not ours to carry. Healing is the process of unraveling, layer upon layer, the misleading narratives embedded in our body, mind, and heart, allowing us to reclaim ourselves as the sovereign over our lives. We then go from being unconsciously shaped by our experiences to utilizing our experien-ces to grow deeper into ourselves and shape our life. My role is to guide you in remembering, honoring, and reclaiming who you truly are by offering warm reminders of the wisdom you already possess. Step by step, you get to restore your ability to be the creator of your own story.  

Transformative & Impactful Outcome

Consciously or unconsciously, through action or inaction, by reacting or responding, we create our lives (and our world) moment by moment. As we transform, we don’t only regain our inner authority, we inspire others to do the same. Taking responsibility for our healing doesn’t stop with us; it has a ripple effect on every person we encounter. Through our gaze, our smile, our tone, our touch, and our words, we influence, affect and alter the world either by regulating or dysregulating it. The way we interact with people is a direct reflection of our inner landscape; changing the world happens from the inside out. With the privilege of being human comes great power and responsibility. My dearest wish is that my own healing serves as a portal to nurture your own, and that our work together comes to have a positive impact in the world. 


I specialize only in areas that I have experienced and overcame myself. Through my own healing journey, I have found that a deeper connection was created when I sought help from professionals who had been through a similar situation. Their profound understanding permeated their approach in a way that created a safe container in which I could trust and relax, as well as more relevant guidance. Even though every situation is intrinsically unique, feeling understood and seen normalizes our experiences and reminds us that we belong. I am here to tell you that you are not alone. 

If your emotional and/or mental well-being is affected by:

Body - chronic health conditions/symptoms, injury, surgery, nervous system dysregulation

Mind - stress, anxiety, fear, anger, analysis paralysis, indecision, low self-esteem

Heart - difficult emotions, loneliness, separation/divorce, long distance relocation

Soul - meaning, purpose, growth, career change, existential issues, creativity, life satisfaction 

I would be honored to support you on your healing journey. 


I have comprehensive training in Therapeutic Coaching, Polyvagal-informed therapy, Parts work (also known as IFS - Internal Family System), and Somatic therapy. Being endlessly passionate about this work, I attend regular trainings to refine my skills and stay up-to-date with the latest research. I am also trained in ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), and I have worked in a suicide prevention center in my early career. I am fluent in both English and French, so I am happy to offer therapeutic coaching sessions in French if this is your preferred language. If you wish to learn more about what these different modalities are about, head to the Modalities page.

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